
How To Make Paint Look Like Stone

E'er wondered how to pigment your walls to look similar rock? In today's tutorial, nosotros'll evidence you how to paint castle playroom walls to look like medieval rocks.

Learn how to paint faux stone for castle playroom walls in this tutorial. Nosotros've included photos and links to helpful resources to make it easier for yous.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

Painting the castle playroom walls is easier than you'd recall. The hardest part was figuring out what I wanted information technology to look like. At start, I wanted the walls to look entirely like stone masonry. I spent some time searching the web for examples and DIY tutorials. I finally found a great tutorial on for how to paint a castle wall. They take the most amazing painted simulated stone wall in their Arizona store.

The more than I looked at the tutorial for the fake stone wall on, the more I realized how much time it would have to achieve that await for the castle playroom walls. Information technology would certainly take more than time than a female parent of two minor children could invest. I was also concerned that information technology would exist too busy or overpowering in such a small space nether the stairs.

I did some more than searching and constitute a similar simulated rock painting technique on Krazy 4 Krafts (NOTE: as of January 2016, the Krazy 4 Krafts website no longer exists). Their faux stones looked more similar a solid brick wall than a medieval stone castle. While it looked cool, I preferred the uneven natural advent of the stones in the tutorial. However, as I read the faux stone painting tips on Krazy 4 Krafts, they explained how they used a color launder technique for the base of operations of their stones.

After thinking about information technology for a while, I decided my approach for our castle playroom walls would combine the 2 techniques. I would color wash the walls as a whole, just take exposed stone patches similar the stones. In my listen, I wanted our castle playroom walls to await like an older medieval castle in a state of disrepair.

How to Pigment Fake Rock for Castle Playroom Walls

Disclosure: This blog post contains chapter links for products or services we recollect you'll similar. This means if y'all brand a purchase from i of these links, Ideas for the Home by Kenarry® volition make a small-scale commission at no boosted cost to you so we can keep the dandy ideas for the habitation coming your way. All opinions expressed are derived from personal experience.

What You Demand:

  • primer
  • dark grey pigment
  • white paint
  • water
  • night brown paint
  • an one-time t-shirt or rag
  • paint brushes
  • paint roller
  • medium sized plastic containers with lids
  • chalk
  • plastic shopping bags


ane. Read the color wash tutorial.Before you do anything, read the tutorial and tips on Krazy 4 Krafts about how to color launder walls. I'm going to describe what I did as best I tin can, only at the time I didn't know I would be blogging so I don't have pictures of every item. Their tutorial also includes of import tips about taping and preparing your walls. (Note: We sincerely apologize. As of January 2016, the Krazy 4 Kraft's website is no longer online. If yous have questions about the color wash technique we used for the castle, delight do non hesitate to contact united states of america.)

ii. Prime the walls. Use a roller and pigment brush to apply primer to the walls and trim. Allow the primer to dry completely.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

2. Apply the first layer of paint to the walls. I chose to use the white primer colour as the base colour for my walls. Pour dark gray pigment into a plastic container and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water. Stir to mix the water and paint together.

Cut a t-shirt in one-half or quarters and then it's a smaller amount of cloth to use. Side by side, crumple the t-shirt into a wad and dip it in the dark gray watered down paint. Use the paint to the walls using a round motion. Don't worry nigh making it perfect, but exercise make sure in this step that y'all comprehend the entire wall with dark gray watered down paint. Permit the paint to thoroughly dry.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

Record off the forepart of the castle spires and apply this same technique to that area as well. You lot'll note I painted the blue heaven above the castle woodlands before I painted the grayness front of the castle spires.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

3. Read the tutorial to create simulated stones. If you haven't already, please read through the castle wall painting tutorial on This is the process used to create the exposed stone patches on our castle walls. Once again, I won't give all the details and tips in this post, just more of a general overview showing what nosotros did.

4. Make up one's mind where yous want the exposed rock patches.Apply chalk to draw the exposed stone patches on the castle playroom walls. You'll pigment around the exposed stone patches when you apply the second layer of color wash to the rest of the castle playroom walls.

5. Use the second layer of paint to the castle playroom walls.Pour your night greyness paint into a plastic container. Add white pigment (I simply used the white primer) to lighten the color. Add 1/4 to 1/2 loving cup of water (or more, if information technology's your preference) and thoroughly mix.

Use the same technique with a wadded up t-shirt that you used when you applied the first layer of paint. Utilise a circular motion to apply the second layer of paint to the walls. This time you practice not demand to make certain you cover the entire wall with the second layer unless you want to. Y'all should also apply the 2d layer of colour wash to the forepart of the castle, though I don't accept a photo showing that office. Avoid painting any areas where you desire to have exposed stone patches. My instance photo already shows the exposed stone patches painted. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos that show what information technology looked similar before I added the stone patches.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

Allow the paint to thoroughly dry. If it'south non light plenty for you after information technology dries, y'all can apply a third layer of colour wash by adding even more than white paint to lighten your nighttime gray and calculation more water to dilute your pigment.

6. Paint the exposed stone patches. You do not need to wait for the paint to dry from the previous step before you lot move on to paint the exposed rock patches on the castle playroom walls.You lot will employ the technique described in the tutorial to paint the faux exposed stone patches. Use the dark gray, white and dark brownish paints to create a shadow consequence on each stone. Apply each of the colors using paint brushes as described in the tutorial. Before the paint dries, employ a scrunched up plastic shopping purse and dab (or pounce up and down as they say in the tutorial) on the moisture paint to texturize and create a rough stone appearance.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

7. Touch up the mortar. Using a paint brush, apply dark gray paint betwixt the exposed stones to bear on up the mortar that may have gotten texturized in the previous step.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

If information technology helps, here's a photo of the exposed stone patch earlier and after I touched upwards the mortar:

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

I also applied the texturizing faux stone technique to the front of the castle to create a rough rock appearance. I allowed information technology to thoroughly dry and and then removed the painter's tape.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

8. Stand dorsum and adore your work.Your castle playroom walls are finished! Y'all tin remove any remaining tape and pat yourself on the back.

This photograph shows the various stages of the far back corner of the castle. Information technology's the office of the castle that goes under the stairs.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

This is the dorsum wall of the castle. Information technology's the largest wall and the most visible. I knew I wanted to add a mirror to exist a window like they had in the inspirational garden playroom, so I only put a few exposed stone patches on this wall.

Castle Playroom Walls: How to Paint Faux Stone Walls -

Next in this series, nosotros'll share how to paint the woodland mural in front of the castle with animals and trees. If you'd like, you can subscribe to Kenarry to follow along with our castle playroom series over the adjacent few weeks. You lot'll get an due east-mail in your in-box every time we publish a new castle playroom post, so you don't miss a affair.


Previous in the Castle Playroom Serial on Ideas for the Dwelling house by Kenarry®

Castle Playroom: How to Create A Magical Hideaway for Kids

Castle Playroom: How to Create A Magical Hideaway for Kids -

Castle Playroom Inspiration: A Whimsical Garden Playroom

Castle Playroom Inspiration: Where We Got the Idea -

What's Adjacent?

While yous're here, exist sure to check out other kid ideas on Ideas for the Home by Kenarry® –

  • Outer Space Mural Tutorial for Boys Bedroom
  • Kids Playroom Ideas: A Whimsical and Fun Reveal
  • Playroom Wall Decor: Make a Gallery Wall for Kids


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