
How To Make A Lake

Describing a lake is made piece of cake past using the examples beneath. These examples are taken from 'Writing with Stardust', the ultimate descriptive guide for students, teachers, parents and lovers of English.

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one. The lake was skyline-silvery. COLOUR
2. It lay in the middle of a cave repose valley. THE Repose VALLEY
3. It was window articulate. THE Clear LAKE
4. It was peaceful and statue still. THE Still LAKE
five. Trout were dive bombing in the lake. Sound
six. A mob of flies rose into the air. THE FLY ARMY
7. I had a 'zap' moment considering information technology was so cute. A MOMENT OF CLARITY
8. The itching grass snapped me out of it. SENSATIONS OF PAIN
9. A sap sweet olfactory property hung in the air. Odour
x. The water I drank was sharp simply pleasant. TASTE

The lake was as silver every bit diamond flame and the atmosphere was convent quiet. Fifty-fifty the depths were vodka clear. It was soothing and yogi nonetheless. Freckled trout were leaping for flies and thunking on its surface. The ascent sun caused a partitioning of armed flies to swarm into the air. The scene was so glorious that I had a lightning commodities moment. The thistles pricking my leg broke my train of idea. The damp grass smelled utopian. I took a sip of water from a stream. Information technology tasted like a sweet medicine, a potion for the spirit.

The lake appeared as if by magic as we crested the ridge. It was in teardrop-silver in colour and it was shaped like a perfectly apartment disc of metal. No audio rang out from the shimmering emptiness of space around it. Monastery quiet, information technology was lined with pine trees and the whiff of mint wafted up to u.s.a.. We decided to brand our way to its decanter clear shore. The idyllic scene took our breath abroad. Unruffled past wind or rain, information technology was vault still and restful. The only sounds were the bumbling of bees and the heavy repeat of a raven crawking.
Out on the lake, flopping trout were slapping the surface. They were hoping to take hold of ane of the squadron of flies that buzzed about. The heaven-leaking lite added a gilt tint to the face of the lake and it was paradise. A startling eureka moment came unbidden, which involved the dazzler of the natural world. I kept information technology to myself. The nipping midges didn't accept away from the pleasure of that twenty-four hour period. I can however see the rain-pearled grass in my mind's centre. I remember the saccharine sweetness aroma of that grass. I call up that the water tasted like the nectar of the gods. Almost of all, I retrieve how it felt to exist young on that special 24-hour interval.


The lake was glimmering in the callow lite of dawn. Local fable had it that a giant hand had scooped out a gash of rock aeons ago. Then a great heap of argent-silver was moulded and poured into it, hemmed in by precipitous hills.

A broad bridge of Tuscany-blue sky was slashed above it, making information technology appear like nature's amphitheatre. The hollowness of the valley magnified all sounds, from barmy streams to the bumble of bees. The visage of the lake was veneer-articulate and tranquil, flanked by an artery of cedar trees. In that location was feng-shui perfection to the scene, while the water was aureate with moonlight-pale lilies. Plip-plopping fish caused concentric rings to puff out and disappear as the air hummed all around us. A phalanx of flies was patrolling the h2o'southward edge, called into service past the heaven-filtering light.

Tolkein-esque ferns swayed beside a brook that spiralled downward from a turf moor. The h2o had a peaty texture, but pools of molten gold lay naked in the lite. At the bottom, smooth-edged stones glowed bister with a witchery uncommon to the modern world. I sabbatum on a stone, admiring the glorious lustre of the water. The dale vicious confessional-quiet. I had an alleluia moment so and yearned for a time when the world was immature. A pocket-sized thorn had spiked my pes, merely it didn't break my reverie. The rain-winkled grass cast a silver sheen and the dewy air was laden with cedar-sweet smells. On impulse, I reached down and sipped from the stream. The taste was a mixture of rosewater and chalybeate that thrilled the tongue.

With a sigh, I got up forged my fashion homewards. It was a place with an eldritch dazzler all of its own. I resolved to render one twenty-four hours to this halcyon paradise.

For much more of the to a higher place, please check out my book  Writing with Stardust which is at present available on Amazon.



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