
How Much Does A University Professor Make

Elementary (Lesson 12)

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Warm up!

Describe the following pictures. Employ the adjectives from the previous lesson.

Vocabulary Revision.

A) Match the times with the pictures.   Put e-h into the gaps.

one. Information technology`south a quarter to six
2. It`s five past two
3. Information technology`due south a quarter past iv
4. It`s ten to iii
5. It`s xx-five to five
6. It`s seven o`clock
7. It`s twenty past ane
viii. It`s half by viii

B) Put the phrases in social club yous commonly do these things. What time exercise yous do them?

1.   get dressed
ii.   have breakfast
3.   go to work
4.   have a shower
5.   wake upwards
6.    get upwards
7.    cease work
8.    accept lunch
9.    go to bed
10.  take dinner.


Listen to the tape and write the time y'all hear there.








What'south Vicky'southward job?

Reading and Speaking.

A) Remember these words and phrases. Write translation.

to invite —
to try —
a guide —
to be in a bustle —
daily routine —
to cycle —
babysitter —
advice —
once a week —

B) Read the following text. Be ready to talk over information technology.

Luisa'southward Routine

Professor Parker, a stress expert from the University of London, looks at Luisa'south typical day and tries to help . . .

Louisa works as a guide at the National Gallery in London and lives with her son George, anile 9. Here she tells about her daily routine.

6.30. I go upwards and I brand George`s sandwiches. Then  I exercise some housework. So I wake up George and make his breakfast. I`m always in a hurry and I don`t have time for breakfast at home.
8.00. Nosotros cycle to school considering the motorcoach is expensive. Then I cycle six miles to piece of work.
9.00. I take a sandwich for breakfast in the canteen, and then I start work. My kickoff tour is usually at 9.30. I like my job but I don`t earn much money and I stand up all day.
5.00. I terminate work and I get to selection up George at 5.thirty. We get shopping.
6.thirty. I cook dinner and help George with his homework. Afterward dinner I exercise more housework or answer e-mails until 9.00. I don`t go out in the evening because a babysitter is very expensive.
9.00. George goes to bed and I read him a story. And then I go to bed — I`m really tired!

Professor Parker`s communication. Accept breakfast with your son. Practice all the housework in the evening. Don`t cycle, get the coach. It`s important to run across other people. Invite a friend for a drink once a week.

Do you lot agree with the professor'southward recommendations? What exercise you recommend?

C) Answer the questions:

1. What time does Louisa go up?
two. How does she get to piece of work?
3. Does Louisa accept breakfast at home? Why (not)?
four. What does she have for breakfast?
5. What fourth dimension does she cease piece of work?
6. What time does she cook dinner?
seven. What does she practice later dinner?
eight. Does she exit in the evening? Why (not)?
9. What fourth dimension does George get to bed?

Listening and Speaking.

Heed and answer the questions.

Simon works for a computer company. He lives in Brighton but he works in London.

i. How many children does Simon have? —
two. What fourth dimension does he get upward? —
3. Why doesn`t he have breakfast? —
iv. What fourth dimension does he starting time work? —
five. How many cups of java does he drink? —
half dozen. What does he have for lunch? —
7. What time does he terminate piece of work? —
viii. Why doesn`t he have dinner with his family? —
9. What time does he get domicile? —
10. What does he do after dinner? —


Lucifer the phrases and the pictures.

playing football
watching Boob tube
going to the gym
taking photographs
playing calculator games
listening to music
eating in restaurants
going to the movie theatre


A) Say what y'all call back your teacher likes doing. Choose at least 5 activities.

Enquire your teacher if yous are correct.

B) Now tell what you like doing and what you lot don't like doing. Ask more questions.


Watch the video and mark the jobs and activities you hear in it.

Jobs Other Activities


 going to the gym
 relaxing in the evenings

Whose task is more stressful? Why? Is your job stressful?

  Heed to this record and repeat the following words:

clock   java   job   shopping

boot   do   schoolhouse   two

up    one   son    worried

telephone   don't    go   dwelling



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